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篇名: 請大家更珍惜食物 !
作者: 感興趣?先看日記! 日期: 2008.07.19  天氣:  心情:
Inflation In Africa

新華網 1月31日 電  到了午飯時間,海地人查倫·杜馬一家吃不上大米、麵粉和蔬菜,只能吃當地一種泥制餅乾充飢。
The New China network on January 31 : During the lunch time, Zha Lun· Du Ma did not eat the rice, the bread flour and the vegetables, only could eat a kind local made putty biscuit to appease hunger . 

The "biscuit" from the yellow soil exposed to the sun has become the main food of the day.  

據美聯社30日報導 ,隨著食物價格飛速上漲,像杜馬家這樣居住在貧民區的海地家庭每天連一盤米也買不起。這種用特有黃泥土曬成的「餅乾」成了他們一日三餐的主要食品。
According to the Associated Press on 30th reported that, along with the rapid rise of the food price, family like Du Ma who live like at the slum area, could not afford to but a plate of rice daily. Thus, the yellow soil "biscuit" becomes their main food.

The "biscuit" from the yellow soil exposed to the sun has become the main food of the day. 
她們將成桶的泥土帶上房頂天台,將裡面的石頭和土塊擇出, 拌入鹽和起酥油。之後,她們把泥土捏成一個個小餅的形狀,留在烈日下曬乾,再把製成的餅乾帶到市場上販賣或當街出售。!
They bring the barrel of the soil to the roof top, selecting out the stone and the caking soil, then the soil is mixed with the salt and oil. Afterwards, they pinch the soil into a small cake shape under the hot sun. The processed biscuit is bring to the market for selling. 

The local merchant transports with the truck one kind of unique soil from the middle mountainous area to each place market in trades. After the women purchase the soil, they processes the soil to the biscuit at the neighbor workshop. 


Sold at the market.

This kind of putty b! is! cuit is made from the clay, salt and  the vegetables oil or the margarine, Haiti people call it as  "the special thunder", price 5 cents.

An  Associated Press reporter has tasted one "the special thunder". He said that, this kind of biscuit feeling in the mouth "exquisite",  has a moist taste. After eating for several hours,  the taste of unendurable soil flavor is still staying in the mouth.

In Haiti,  the soil of  manufactur ing   "special thunder" often serves by the pregnant woman and the child ren as the anti-acid supplement and calcium  fortifying food.

美國科羅拉多州立大學免疫學教授傑拉爾德·卡拉漢認為,孕婦食用 泥土有助於增強子宮內胎兒的免疫?! O,以抵禦疾病。不過,泥土中的寄生蟲和毒素也會對人體產生致命影響。當地醫生說,長期依靠泥餅乾維生會導致營養不良和腹瀉。
American Colorado State University immunology Professor Gerald · Callaghan believed that, the pregnant woman  eat the soil  can strengthen the womb embryo's immunity,  to  resist  disease.  But parasite and toxin  in the soil  also can  cause fatal influence to the human body. Local doctor said that, the long-term dependence on  putty biscuit can cause the malnutrition and the diarrhea.

Haiti is  one of  the of poorest  country in the world, 80%  of the population average  earn less than two US dollars  per person .  Eating of the putty biscuit is due to  the recent ris ing of the food price.

The Associated Press said, the  global staple food price  is rising. This situation is more obvious in  countries located at Caribbean Sea island especially in Haiti. These  countries depends on the grain import, so the national food !  price has risen nearly 40%.

In Haiti's Lhasa forest slum area, two cups of rice cost 60 cents, compared with last December, it rise up 10 cents, compared with 1 year ago, it rise up 50%. Even the putty biscuit price also has rise up, luckily it is still belonging to the group of inexpensively "food".

請大家更珍惜食物  !
Everybody , please treasure  the food !
瀏覽次數:118    人氣指數:2518    累積鼓勵:120
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外星人入侵?! 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 人間處處有陷阱!保護自己吧~!
時間:2008-07-21 03:43
他, 54歲,台北市,待業中
作者回覆說[2008-07-21 10:46]:




時間:2008-07-19 17:48
他, 59歲,桃園市,房地產
作者回覆說[2008-07-20 06:02]:


